Happy Father's Day and welcome to the first edition of Bruins Brunch, a weekly column dedicated to the Boston Bruins. I am honored to be New England Hockey Journal/hockeyjournal.com's managing editor, and am excited to be bringing you this Sunday offering of news, notes and most importantly, unique insights and analysis of the Black and Gold that you won’t find anywhere else.
Twenty-one years ago, I began doing a similar once-a-week opinion/news feature hybrid dedicated to the B’s for hockeyjournal.com and continued it for several seasons. This is going to be a more scaled-down version of what we used to call “Bear Claws,” but we’re excited to unveil our newest effort to tell the Boston pro team’s story by pulling on the threads of things going on below the surface of what you'll see in the mainstream coverage of the club.
So, on that note, let’s dive in.